My name is Maza.I hope to share the 'little things' that makes life in this world wonderful. (Also to share 'little crappy shite' that makes me wanna live in the shadows)

Sunday, 29 November 2009

One day I'll have it all, muhahahahaha

I've looked up to many Japanese and European depiction of sexual act movies product ingenious and ingenuity designs. How Cisco creates defacto networking standards, how Microsoft cons the world with a lame operating system, how Coca Cola is the drink that every human being on earth and in space have tasted once in their lifetime & how.....

But nothing comes even close to the design and standard of Bayerische Motoren Werke aka BMW. 5 series yg baru nih klua cantik giler nak arwah. Dah la model series 3, 5, 7 and X6 yg sedia ada nih dah lawa klemeks. Boleh tergamak dia klua yang lagi lawa. Gua tabik spring kat designer dia. lepas tengok sneak peak video shot kat aku almost nawaitu rafaal hadasil akhbari. Dulu dia klua konsep macam eagle. Lampu depan dia giler provoke. kalau kat highway kene cucuk konfirm pressure siot. Tapi kali ni boleh dia terpikir pulak nak buat ala ala shark jerung yg ganas... coding speachless beb...

So, satu hari nanti harap2nyer aku dapat jadi ahlil pengumpul kereta2 BMW kat msia nih. Teringat lah plak rumah jiran aku (tetiba mengaku jiran, boleh? :p ) kat gombak. banyak yg amat kereta BMW. Pakcik tu punya BMW paling uptodate. kat Munich baru klua, Msia tak masuk lagi dia mesti dah ada punya model tu. tapi sekarang mereka dan keluarga meraka dah pindah.tak dapek la sneakpreview live kat Gombak lagi :(. also, dulu kete baru mercedes gabak dia park kat luar pagar rumah jer. ada ker patut. blok jalan satu kampung.

So, utk gambar sila la ker yer.

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